martedì 10 maggio 2011

Asparagi - Asparagus


La mia salsa preferita per asparagi:

2 cucchiai mayonese (light o normale)
1 cucchiaio capperi tritati
1 cucchiaio prezzemolo tritato
2 filetti di acciuga o pasta di acciughe

tritare le spezie, mescolare e servire fresco

My favorite asparagus sauce:

2 tablespoons mayonnaise (light or regular)
1 tablespoon chopped capers
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
2 anchovy fillets or anchovy paste
chop spices, mix and serve fresh



Vignetta da:

Typical spring vegetables, we know little about asparagus. If our ignorance or his ability to hide under the ground, is not known.. Now I'll collapse a certainty: asparagus is a plant, in the stnse that it becomes a bush, it doent keep the little racket during all his life..  in effect we will eat it young. A real cruelty. 
But Cooking needs of these sacrifices. Did you know that even the Romans extolled the quality and taste of it? Asparagus belongs to the large clan of Liliaceae such as leek and garlic, in short, a nice fragrant family . The flakes that you see on top of the stem that makes it so distinctive are those that will become the branches. The asparagus has the power, like garlic Ursino, to clean up our the physical well indoctrinated by winter revelry and libations. Eat it  in quantity,  the only contraindication is for people with kidney disease.

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